Dericka Canada Cunningham, GBW Founder
February 6, 2023
This Week's Anchor
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)
If you are reading the title of this week’s devotion and wondering if it’s based on a classic hip-hop song of the early 2000s (and one of my favorites), you are not mistaken. Yes, Lupe Fiasco served as inspiration for this week’s devotion, but hear me out…
A couple of weeks ago, I was blessed to catch up with a good friend whom I hadn’t seen in a while. As typical for girlfriends in need of catching up, we updated each other on our lives. She shared first, narrating stories of starting a new career, planning a business, and traveling across the world. When it became my turn to share, I embarrassingly acknowledged that my life was quite boring at the moment. My friend empathically reassured me that boring is okay, but as someone who used to have what seemed to be a more vibrant life, it was an interesting moment to consider the present season I was in. I also expressed the pressure I felt to be doing more. From pointed questions from others regarding when I’m going to have my next child to the burning desire to take GBW to the next level to the next-step assumptions of transitioning into private practice, to put it simply, there is a lot of background noise as I navigate this chapter. Nevertheless, as I shared more, I noticed that though my usually busy life seemed to be coasting, I was somehow at peace.
This conversation reminded me of the essence of Ecclesiastes 3 and all the seasons we move through in our lives, and Lupe Fiasco’s song, “Kick, Push” came to mind. It’s exactly what life feels like sometimes: seasons of challenging and fighting (kicking), building and developing (pushing), and resting and restoring (coasting). Truthfully, we don’t have much control over how or when seasons come and go, but what I’ve learned is to do exactly what our anchor scripture encourages us…. trust God. Our anchor scripture calls us to rely on Him and not depend on our situational analysis, and to surrender to His will with the return of Him divinely guiding us through the many seasons of our lives.
Over the years I’ve realized that I don’t trust God because I’m a perfect believer who gets everything right and never doubts or worries (because trust, that ain’t me). Instead, I trust God because He’s proven to me that I should. I trust God because I humbly accept that my understanding and viewpoint of things are limited. And finally, I trust God because He…knows…best. I acknowledge not every season can be pushing and moving, and not every season is full of excitement, transitions, and new levels. Yet, every season has a purpose. And in the inspiration of Lupe’s cleverly illustrated song, I’ve come to embrace the wisdom that seasons of coasting through rest and recovery are just as important as seasons of building and growing. Despite what our seasons offer, God is always working through and for us. When we remember and hold onto this, we can find great peace in whatever season we are in.
If you are in an unexpected or seemingly uneventful season right now, here are some things I’ve discovered that ground me and might also anchor you:
Pause—I know y’all are tired of me saying it, but I’m gonna consistently proclaim the power of mindfully slowing down. We often operate from a hyper-focus on what’s next, launching our minds into this sped-up frenzy of reaching, striving, and achieving. Being determined and goal-oriented are great qualities to have. And also, cultivating the ability to slow down and pause the grand plans we have for ourselves to see, feel and hear from God is not just important, but necessary in life. We foster a sense of inner peace and deeper connection with God when we pause and slow down.
Reflect…on what God has done in our lives. Remember the seasons He’s blessed us to experience and reflect on what each season has afforded us. When we see our life seasons with clarity, through a lens of viewing each season as meaningful and purposeful, we build a foundation for embracing seasons as they come.
Release…our expectations for how our lives should unfold. We are not in control, and although some days we wish differently, most of us can humbly agree that it wouldn’t go well if we were. We can intentionally release the pressure that we place on ourselves and that which others (family, friends, peers, cultural communities, faith communities, society) place on us as well.
Reconnect…with God and those who affirm us. There is never a bad time to reconnect with God. He is always waiting for us with open and grace-filled arms. The more we are connected to Him, the greater we tap into a divine understanding of our lives. And the more we understand our lives through His provision and image, the more empowered we feel. Sometimes it takes those conversations and special moments with others (our tribes, sacred spaces, and cherished communities) to shift our perspective and usher us into God’s presence.
Whatever seasons we find ourselves navigating this week, I pray that we give ourselves room to breathe and embrace them. May we not only accept our ever-changing seasons but invite them, trusting that invitation extends to the presence of God. May we stand firm on God’s promise to never leave nor forsake us, and to direct our purposed paths, come what may. And through it all, may we discover and embody unexplainable and unshakable Divine peace and joy.
What is resonating for you about this scripture and/or this devotion?
What do you need from the Holy Trinity to help you embrace the seasons in your life?
What intention(s) do you want to set to connect and/or reconnect with being grounded this week?
Related Scriptures to Ground You Through this Week
Proverbs 16:9
Proverbs 27:1
Ecclesiastes 3
Jeremiah 29:11-14
Lamentations 3:25-33
2 Peter 3:8-9
My Through-the-Week Reflection Guide
A Song of Inspiration
Quote of Love & Liberation
“Perseverance is my motto.”
Madam CJ Walker